ASTM G85 Annex A4 Salt/So2 Spray (Fog) Testing

This test involves a salt spray fog with the addition of Sulfur Dioxide (SO2) gas directly into the salt spray testing chamber or cabinet. The salt spray solution is defined either by mutual agreement or by the specifications covering the material or product to be tested.

The temperature in the exposure zone of the salt spray cabinet or chamber is kept at a constant 35°C + 1.1 or - 1.7°C (95°F + 2 or - 3°F).

The (SO2) gas should be introduced into the salt spray cabinet in a manner that insures a uniform dispersion within the chamber.

The cycle of So2 introduction depends on the specifications of the material or product being tested, or is determined by mutual agreement. A couple examples of commonly used cycles for this test are:

  • Constant spray with introduction of SO2 gas for 1hr 4 times a day (every 6 hrs)
  • 1-2-hr salt spray, 1-2-hr SO2, and 2-hr soak

To obtain complete specifications go to ASTM International.


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